Vincent Van Eylen

I am an Associate Professor in Exoplanets at the Mullard Space Science Laboratory at University College London. My research focuses on the discovery of new exoplanets and the characterization of known planets. I also employ asteroseismology to understand stars that host planets. I use data from ground-based telescopes as well as space-based missions, such as NASA's TESS satellite.


I am a Belgian astronomer and Associate Professor in Exoplanets at the Mullard Space Science Laboratory at University College London. Before joining UCL I was a Henry Norris Russell Fellow at Princeton University and a Jan Hendrik Oort Fellow at the Sterrewacht at Leiden University in The Netherlands.

I received a PhD in Physics from Aarhus University in Denmark, where I worked at the Stellar Astrophysics Centre. My thesis advisors were Prof. Simon Albrecht and Prof. Hans Kjeldsen. I was a visiting graduate student at MIT where I worked with Prof. Josh Winn.

I hold a master degree in astrophysics and a bachelor degree in physics (with a minor in mathematics) from the University of Leuven, Belgium. I was president of student organization Wina and have been a student representative active in various university boards. Before starting my doctoral studies, I did an internship as a project engineer at the dredging company DEME in Doha, Qatar.

My research team has featured in national and international media and I have been a guest on BBC radio in the UK and NOS radio in the Netherlands. Media inquiries are welcome by email.


My research focuses on the characterization of exoplanets and their host stars, to learn about planet formation and evolution as well as the architecture of planetary systems. I do so by analyzing space-based photometry to investigate planet transits, characterizing planet host stars through e.g. asteroseismology, and acquiring further sources of data where needed. I have e.g.:

If you are a student or researcher interested in working with me, please feel free to send me an email and I will be happy to discuss opportunities.

Research group

Vincent Van Eylen

Associate Professor
Exoplanet Science
Ed Bryant

Postoctoral research fellow
Planet occurrence across different types of stars
Ross Dobson

PhD researcher (with CDT data-intensive science)
Unveiling the exoplanet population
with novel data science techniques
Hannah Osborne

PhD researcher
Investigating exoplanet architecture
through radial velocity observations
Larissa Palethorpe

PhD researcher (at University of Edinburgh)
(as co-advisor, with Prof. Ken Rice)
Characterising small exoplanets
Marina Ventikos

PhD researcher
Understanding exoplanets and their host stars
using large data sets and AI
Francesca Waines

PhD researcher
Linking exoplanet detection to formation:
population synthesis
Angharad Weeks

PhD researcher
Characterisation of exoplanet host stars
using Gaia and asteroseismology
Majdi Assaid

MSc Space Science & Engineering
Alina Bashkirova

MSc Space Science & Engineering

Former members

Selected peer-reviewed publications

An up-to-date overview of my first-authored and co-authored publications can be found on NASA ADS or on Google Scholar.

Media & Press

Public talks


  • Six planets in synchronised ‘dance’ lasting a billion years, Independent
  • Zes planeten doen al miljard jaar strak getimede rondedans, De Standaard
  • Giant planets around small stars, Sky & Telescope
  • Hot, rocky exoplanets are the scorched cores of former gas giants, Science News
  • Circular orbits common in small planets, BBC Sky at Night Magazine
  • A planet greeting from the danger zone, Astrobites
  • New discovery: small planets have circular orbits, ScienceNordic
  • Door Leuvens onderzoeker geleid team ontdekt nieuwe exoplaneet, De Morgen

Columns and radio

  • New Scientist Live: the worst of all worlds, New Scientist
  • Astrofysicus Vincent Van Eylen: we staan aan het begin van een sterrenkundige revolutie, Knack
  • Waarom de Trappisten enthousiasme verdienen, De Morgen
  • Wie woont er op Proxima b?, De Redactie
  • Hebben we buren in het heelal?, De Redactie


Mailing address:
Vincent Van Eylen
University College London
Department of Space and Climate Physics
Mullard Space Science Laboratory
Holmbury St. Mary
Surrey RH5 6NT
United Kingdom